Source code for pyminitouch.actions

import time
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pyminitouch.logger import logger
from pyminitouch.connection import MNTConnection, MNTServer, safe_connection
from pyminitouch import config
from pyminitouch.utils import restart_adb

[docs]class CommandBuilder(object): """Build command str for minitouch. You can use this, to custom actions as you wish:: with safe_connection(_DEVICE_ID) as connection: builder = CommandBuilder() builder.down(0, 400, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 500, 500, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 800, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.up(0) builder.commit() builder.publish(connection) use `d.connection` to get `connection` from device """ # TODO (x, y) can not beyond the screen size def __init__(self): self._content = "" self._delay = 0
[docs] def append(self, new_content): self._content += new_content + "\n"
[docs] def commit(self): """ add minitouch command: 'c\n' """ self.append("c")
[docs] def wait(self, ms): """ add minitouch command: 'w <ms>\n' """ self.append("w {}".format(ms)) self._delay += ms
[docs] def up(self, contact_id): """ add minitouch command: 'u <contact_id>\n' """ self.append("u {}".format(contact_id))
[docs] def down(self, contact_id, x, y, pressure): """ add minitouch command: 'd <contact_id> <x> <y> <pressure>\n' """ self.append("d {} {} {} {}".format(contact_id, x, y, pressure))
[docs] def move(self, contact_id, x, y, pressure): """ add minitouch command: 'm <contact_id> <x> <y> <pressure>\n' """ self.append("m {} {} {} {}".format(contact_id, x, y, pressure))
[docs] def publish(self, connection): """ apply current commands (_content), to your device """ self.commit() final_content = self._content"send operation: {}".format(final_content.replace("\n", "\\n"))) connection.send(final_content) time.sleep(self._delay / 1000 + config.DEFAULT_DELAY) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ clear current commands (_content) """ self._content = "" self._delay = 0
[docs]class MNTDevice(object): """ minitouch device object Sample:: device = MNTDevice(_DEVICE_ID) # It's also very important to note that the maximum X and Y coordinates may, but usually do not, match the display size. # so you need to calculate position by yourself, and you can get maximum X and Y by this way: print('max x: ', device.connection.max_x) print('max y: ', device.connection.max_y) # single-tap device.tap([(400, 600)]) # multi-tap device.tap([(400, 400), (600, 600)]) # set the pressure, default == 100 device.tap([(400, 600)], pressure=50) # long-time-tap # for long-click, you should control time delay by yourself # because minitouch return nothing when actions done # we will never know the time when it finished device.tap([(400, 600)], duration=1000) time.sleep(1) # swipe device.swipe([(100, 100), (500, 500)]) # of course, with duration and pressure device.swipe([(100, 100), (400, 400), (200, 400)], duration=500, pressure=50) # extra functions ( their names start with 'ext_' ) device.ext_smooth_swipe([(100, 100), (400, 400), (200, 400)], duration=500, pressure=50, part=20) # stop minitouch # when it was stopped, minitouch can do nothing for device, including release. device.stop() """ def __init__(self, device_id): self.device_id = device_id self.server = None self.connection = None self.start()
[docs] def reset(self): self.stop() self.start()
[docs] def start(self): # prepare for connection self.server = MNTServer(self.device_id) # real connection self.connection = MNTConnection(self.server.port)
[docs] def stop(self): self.connection.disconnect() self.server.stop()
[docs] def tap(self, points, pressure=100, duration=None, no_up=None): """ tap on screen, with pressure/duration :param points: list, looks like [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)] :param pressure: default == 100 :param duration: :param no_up: if true, do not append 'up' at the end :return: """ points = [list(map(int, each_point)) for each_point in points] _builder = CommandBuilder() for point_id, each_point in enumerate(points): x, y = each_point _builder.down(point_id, x, y, pressure) _builder.commit() # apply duration if duration: _builder.wait(duration) _builder.commit() # need release? if not no_up: for each_id in range(len(points)): _builder.up(each_id) _builder.publish(self.connection)
[docs] def swipe(self, points, pressure=100, duration=None, no_down=None, no_up=None): """ swipe between points, one by one :param points: [(400, 500), (500, 500)] :param pressure: default == 100 :param duration: :param no_down: will not 'down' at the beginning :param no_up: will not 'up' at the end :return: """ points = [list(map(int, each_point)) for each_point in points] _builder = CommandBuilder() point_id = 0 # tap the first point if not no_down: x, y = points.pop(0) _builder.down(point_id, x, y, pressure) _builder.publish(self.connection) # start swiping for each_point in points: x, y = each_point _builder.move(point_id, x, y, pressure) # add delay between points if duration: _builder.wait(duration) _builder.commit() _builder.publish(self.connection) # release if not no_up: _builder.up(point_id) _builder.publish(self.connection)
# extra functions' name starts with 'ext_'
[docs] def ext_smooth_swipe( self, points, pressure=100, duration=None, part=None, no_down=None, no_up=None ): """ smoothly swipe between points, one by one it will split distance between points into pieces before:: points == [(100, 100), (500, 500)] part == 8 after:: points == [(100, 100), (150, 150), (200, 200), ... , (500, 500)] :param points: :param pressure: :param duration: :param part: default to 10 :param no_down: will not 'down' at the beginning :param no_up: will not 'up' at the end :return: """ if not part: part = 10 points = [list(map(int, each_point)) for each_point in points] for each_index in range(len(points) - 1): cur_point = points[each_index] next_point = points[each_index + 1] offset = ( int((next_point[0] - cur_point[0]) / part), int((next_point[1] - cur_point[1]) / part), ) new_points = [ (cur_point[0] + i * offset[0], cur_point[1] + i * offset[1]) for i in range(part + 1) ] self.swipe( new_points, pressure=pressure, duration=duration, no_down=no_down, no_up=no_up, )
@contextmanager def safe_device(device_id): """ use MNTDevice safely """ _device = MNTDevice(device_id) try: yield _device finally: time.sleep(config.DEFAULT_DELAY) _device.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": restart_adb() _DEVICE_ID = "4df189487c7b6fef" with safe_connection(_DEVICE_ID) as d: builder = CommandBuilder() builder.down(0, 400, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 500, 500, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 800, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.up(0) builder.commit() builder.publish(d) with safe_device(_DEVICE_ID) as d: builder = CommandBuilder() builder.down(0, 400, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 500, 500, 50) builder.commit() builder.move(0, 800, 400, 50) builder.commit() builder.up(0) builder.commit() builder.publish(d.connection) # option1: device = MNTDevice(_DEVICE_ID) device.tap([(400, 500), (500, 500)], duration=1000) # you should control time delay by yourself # otherwise when connection lost, action will never stop. time.sleep(1) device.stop() # option2: with safe_device(_DEVICE_ID) as device: device.tap([(400, 500), (500, 500)]) device.swipe([(400, 500), (500, 500)], duration=500) time.sleep(0.5)